Sunday, November 8, 2009

I Hate Technology and Pugs

Because we realized we are horrible parents (and a horrible mom blogger), Billy and I finally charged the camera and video camera to help get through 30 posts in 1 month - and to document our kids lives, of course. I was all excited and busted out the video camera this morning to get some action shots of the twins doin' their thing. Mostly crawling and chewing stuff but there was bound to be a memorable moment if I waited long enough.

Lucky for me, Sebastian started to play with the dog which, if you haven't seen it before, is quite cute. Now that they know which toys are the dog toys, they can properly taunt her. He had her bone and was holding it in front of her while she was biting it but he wouldn't let it go. Baby-pug-tug-'o-war is definitely video-worthy to a mom. Anyway, I was psyched to post about how awesome it is to have your pug entertain your 11 month old and vice-versa. A few hours later when I was ready to upload this awesome video, I realized that the cord that connects the video camera to computer was gone. Dust in the wind. Probably in the same black hole all the missing socks go.

But now, that doesn't even matter. Because I take it back. Pugs are not like a free babysitter for your kid while you watch the Pats game. Oh no! Because while you are cheering your team on, the dog is throwing up the food she didn't even chew and then your daughter is eating it. And then you catch her and scream bloody murder and throw up in your mouth a little bit and only narrowly avoid reenacting that scene from Stand By Me where they show everyone projectile vomiting after the pie eating contest.

So, screw you, Technology, and screw you, Pug, for ruining what should have been a very fun, uplifting, family friendly post.


  1. SO GROSS!!!
    Did you see The Office last week? We just referenced that Stand By Me scene after watching the Office last week.

  2. Michael loves to eat the dogs food and play in it and the dogs water bowl. Yuck!

  3. Oh yuck!! But so hilarious! What does a person do without dogs and/or kids for entertainment?

  4. OMGOSH! I know I should totally be grossed out, but instead, i am cracking up! HYSTERICAL!

  5. at least she didn't chew it before throwing it up? bonus..?

  6. So I'm not sure whether to throw up or laugh. Ewww... but now you know you have a high tolerance for gross things.

  7. that is DISGUSTING! ewwww poor collettie :( what did that pug eat??

  8. p.s., never say you hate pugs again!!! :(

  9. baby - the camara cord is inside the box on the top right corner of my desk..
    love you

  10. no, it's not. That's the wrong cord, I think. I tried it and it didn't work. And it also didn't match the picture of the cord in the instruction manual. You'll have to show me when you get home...sigh :(
    love you too

  11. LOL! Awesome! I think we all have moments like that!


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